Please note that as of August 1st, 2024, EnvKey Cloud is beginning a six month wind down. It will shut down on February 1st, 2025. New registrations are now disabled for EnvKey Cloud.
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EnvKey for VS Code Transform how you work with environment variables in code.

Autocomplete and type-checking
for environment variables
in 46 languages.

Instead of a typeless, error-prone mystery blob, make the environment a first-class citizen of your IDE.

envkey-vscode in action


📝 Autocomplete. When you access environment variables in any one of 46 supported languages, all your EnvKey variables will be available to filter and select.

✅ Type checking. If you reference an environment variable that hasn't been set, VS Code will warn you with an orange squiggly, helping you catch typos and prevent bugs.

🔍 Peek-on-hover. A quick hover tells you the development value of a variable.

🔄 Real-time updates. When you or anyone on your team updates a development environment variable in EnvKey, that change will be reflected immediately in VS Code.

🌐 Support for 46 languages. Simplify and unify configuration management across languages, teams, and systems.

🔒 Secure and private. Real, no-nonsense, client-side end-to-end encryption with OS keychain integration. Avoid trusting secrets to servers, third parties, and web browsers.

Supported Languages

Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, PHP, Perl

Java, Go, Rust, C, C++, C#, Lua, Zig, D

Shell, Dockerfile, Docker Compose, Makefile, Powershell, AppleScript

R, Julia, SAS

Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Groovy, Swift, Dart, VB.NET

Elixir, Erlang, Haskell, Ocaml, F#, Prolog, Racket, Common Lisp, Scheme

Nim, Crystal, Ada, Delphi, Pascal, Fortran, VBA

Get It Now

Smart environments for your IDE.

Get Started With EnvKey

envkey-vscode is a VS Code extension for EnvKey: an easy-to-use, open source, end-to-end encrypted configuration and secrets manager. It keeps API keys, credentials, and other configuration securely and automatically in sync for developers and servers. You can integrate your first app in a few minutes.